Catena Sequencer
Stages, not Steps
Unlike the more standard 8-step sequencer, this device uses 8 stages. Each stage can be anywhere from 1 to 8 steps in length. You can turn on or off each step within a stage allowing for complex sequences and rhythms.The combination of stages and steps is a unique way to create rhythmically complex sequences up to 64 steps long.
Quickly Edit a Complex Sequence
There are plenty of sequencers that allow for up to 64 steps, sometimes more. What sets this sequencer apart is the ease in which you can edit the sequence. Rather than scrolling through menus, the Pitch, Count and Mode controls allow you to edit your sequence on the fly. Much like the original modular synth design of the M-185, you can adjust parameters to create endlessly evolving sequences.
The device is broken into 4 main sections: Clock, Pitch, Count and Mode.
The clock allows you to sync the tempo of the sequencer to your Ableton project. Individually selectable subdivisions make it easy to multiply or divide the tempo in time with Ableton.
Use the “Stages” knob to adjust how many stages are active. The “Duration” knob controls how long each note is held. If the clock is set to 1/4 and Duration is 0.50, each note will play for 50% of each quarter note.
The “Note Frequency Range” control allows you to fine tune the note range of the Pitch section. While holding the command key (or, ctrl on PC) you can slide the range up or down. Extend the range by holding shift while clicking.